42-line Gutenberg Bible printed in Johannes Gutenberg’s workshop in Mainz in 1452–1454/55.
Shuckburgh copy, in the possession of the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz since 1978.
This is the first book Gutenberg printed using the process he developed, namely printing with moveable type.
As he only printed text, the decoration was traditionally drawn or painted in.
The two-volume work with a total of 1,282 pages was created with the help of around 20 employees.
Of the 180 copies printed, approximately 150 were on paper and 30 were made of costly parchment.
49 copies still exist today, two of which can be seen at the Gutenberg Museum.
Product No.:

ca. 4-8 days
129.00 USD
Product No.:

ca. 4-8 days